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I recently watched the video Educational Change Challenge and it presents a lot of different educational perspectives. One quote that stuck out to me was "If you put a doctor of 100 years ago in today's operating room, she would be lost, yet if you placed a teacher of 100 years ago into one of today's classrooms she wouldn't skip a beat." We as teachers should be adapting with the times and education our students to better prepare them for their future endeavors. Basing our lessons around a lecture with a chalkboard is an ineffective way to educate students. This archaic version of education is boring, does not accommodate the many learners in the class, and does not create life long learners. The video ended by asking the question, "Am I preparing my students for my age or theirs?"
Education is all about adapting to the ever changing world. We are preparing our students for jobs that don't exist yet. In New Brunswick, Canada teachers are making learning student centered and personalized. They are creating projects that help them learn and providing them with opportunities to apply their newly found knowledge. This shift in education needs to be happening all around the world. If the world's teachers can adapt to the ever advancing world, then maybe we can change the world for the better. If we can teach our students to communicate effectively and appropriately, maybe we can create a more positive world, one without so much hatred. We teach our students to collaborate and learn from one another, why can't that continue outside of the classroom and between different countries?
Hi Miss James,
ReplyDeleteI think whether or not its a chalkboard or smartboard, the point of school is for students to follow instructions from the teacher - a human. And socializing with classmates or coworkers. We all have human bosses. The chalkboard is not totally inefficient. The key is teaching critical thinking skills. How can we describe what an acceptable classroom looks like today? Smart boards are only as good as the teachers utilizing them.
I like the poll at the end of your blog. I good way to quickly gauge your readers' reactions in case they don't want to leave comments!
ReplyDeleteEven as a technology educator I think a blend of the new and tried-and-true. My students love collaborating on a project that involves group work with technology just as much as they love coloring. They also like to sit back and listen to a story about ancient Romans and ask questions at the end. The key is a blend of what works for you and your student population.
I’m afraid that I disagree with your statement that chalkboards don’t accommodate a variety of learners and that they are overall an ineffective way to educate students. However, I do agree that the use of the chalkboard for the entire lesson makes it boring. I believe that chalkboards still have a purpose with regards to the spontaneity of a classroom. Sometimes no matter how well you have prepared a class lecture you will always have that one student, or two because not every student will admit when they don’t understand something, that just don’t “get it”. I think this is where a chalkboard/whiteboard would really come in handy. The chalkboard allows you to take a moment to address the problem, or to expand upon something that you did not have prepared. Working through difficult concepts on the board, whether I was in Math or Latin, helped me visually discover what I was having trouble with and where I was making mistakes. I don’t think that I would have been able to understand some of them if the instructor did not take the time to write out the concept using the chalkboard.
ReplyDeleteI think both of the comments above make really good points that should be taken into consideration as well. Technology can be a great learning tool to expand and develop concepts learned in class, but in the hands of an inexperienced user a Smartboard becomes a glorified, less dusty chalkboard.
The thought of never having direct instruction seems hard to believe. Although, with guidance students can do a lot of their understanding of information on their own! Personally, I really enjoy direct instruction too much to totally let it go, and I really do believe students can benefit from it. That being said, the past couple years I have been experimenting with having a flipped classroom. I have been providing my students with different resources and tasks all leading to a culminating piece after their research. I believe that there is some excellent value in inquiry based classrooms. My students are certainly more engaged and truly enjoy the responsibility it puts on them.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, I agree we (as educators) need to do our job in providing our students with the necessary tools to be successful in their college studies and career endeavors. Currently, the tools students need to be successful are such tools that focus around a “connected” and technology driven society. Thus, rationally the classroom should be “connected” and technology driven! That being said, school districts need to assure their teachers are being provided with appropriate trainings in order to successfully implement such pedagogies.
The promise of technology has been seductive. Tiny slivers of silvery metallic material known as silicon wafers artfully injected into the bowels of businesses are supposed to increase efficiency and improve the bottom line. And make the world better. But have they? Let's take a look. phone tracker
ReplyDeleteIn a world of constantly changing technology, educators are working to bring that technology to students. Textbooks are just not able to keep up with technological advances. Teachers are able to help prepare their students for technology and information they will encounter in life after they finish school by using integrated technology in the classrooms. www.spycamera.com
ReplyDeleteAs technology continues to evolve, it is increasingly important that people fully understand the "technology state of the company". Last week, Apical Resource Group had our second monthly All Candidates meeting in order to discuss the employment landscape, new initiatives and new hospitality technologies. Jackqueline
ReplyDeleteInnovative ideas in the field of technology have simplified the work and helped our rapid development.These ideas contribute to the creation of innovative technologies over time. In order to create this innovative idea, it is necessary to have the knowledge, which is fundamental in this process. Thus we get the scheme: knowledge, idea, technology. best xmind alternative
ReplyDeleteStudents are screaming murder that they are not getting some privacy anymore even in the johns. But teachers know that strange things happen there all the time. Incidents like smoking, drinking, and some hair pulling and bullying can be enacted there with impunity if there is no CCTV camera watching. Conclusion - students have to behave in there or get a pass to the Principal's office. กล้องวงจรปิด cctv