When I was in third grade, my teacher turned her classroom into a new city from around the world each week. We learned how to make all different types of food and read stories native to the city. Can you see why she was my favorite teacher?

ePals is a hands on way for today’s learners to experience different cultures around the world. It allows teachers to connect with other classrooms across the globe. Students can be a pen pal to a student that speaks the foreign language they are learning. No better way to practice written language than with a native speaker!
In the Taste of Culture collaboration, students are sharing recipes that include
local ingredients, use interesting cooking tools and techniques, and reflect local culture, traditions, or holidays. I can see doing this activity with my students. I vision my class being broken up into different groups designated to a country. They would make a presentation on what they learned about the country and its culture. They also can prepare, with adult supervision, the recipe that most reflects that country to share with the rest of the class.
I love the idea of breaking up parts of your class to be different countries and having them prepare food and other presentations. Getting that information via primary sources is so exciting.